Tonight Duncan Riley and I talk about:
Jeff Bezos and Blue Origin – You’ll Believe A Geek Can Fly
Kevin Smith’s Clerks 2 kicked ass
The World’s Greatest “Fuck You” Ever?
New poll reveals George W Bush America’s #1 Villian
The Catholics and Euthanasia – How The Catholics Screwed Piergiorgio Welby
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The G’Day World Theme Song is “Save Me†by The Napoleon Blown Aparts.
Guys, you go on and on about this. Love one another. That is what Christianity should be about.
On “God giving up his Child to death”. It should be noted that he knew before hand that his son would be alright in 3 days!
Hang on, Cam doing a sport? Wow!
One of the main reasons for that last story Cam read out but which he didn’t read out and will be missed by those who don’t read the link is that he was denied by the church to have a religious funeral because seeking to end his own life is against Catholic doctrine. The Pope also went on to mentioned in a Sunday blessing the church’s belief of the sanctity of life until it’s “natural” end.
This was the issue with the story is that he was being kept alive artificially by a respirator so when does being kept alive by artificial devices cease to be natural. According to the church by turning of artificial devices he is choosing to end his life unnaturally….boggle
As the Wired article states the Church really need to get with modern times and accept new doctrines for the 21st century, not from the 1st century.
Hey Molly,
Cam is prob just driving the cart and Tom is playing golf.
Cam’s idea of energetic sport is a tense chess match.
hardy ha ha. I *should* have driven the cart… Tom and his mate Adam got into a hooning match with the carts and on the 16th hole Groundskeeper Willy came and repossessed them!! We had to walk the last two holes!!!
Molly, as for “love one another”, I don’t know how you get that from reading the scriptures. That’s like reading Hamlet and saying it’s about Yorick. You can’t pull one little aspect of it out and ignore the rest of it. As for God knowing his son would be “okay”… puhleeze. If you believe the story, he allowed his only son to be horribly tortured and murdered. For what?
If you read the story its because he will be raised up on the third day! Thats the whole point of the whole story!
Your right, if he had of just let his son be murdered, then that would of been bad but the whole plan was for him to die and then rise again on the third day. Jesus even told his friends that this was the case.
By the way Cam, read it and weap:;&version=31;
or more specifically:;&version=31;
So I guess your right, but just by one place and the first one is pretty much the same as the second.
I t was all Adam, not me.*
* maybe a bit me.
I take Cam’s two days of silence as Victory!
Victory in what? The new format? Nah that’s still good. I said I might take a day off for extraordinary reasons and I did on Friday as notified. I had to go play XBOX.
Nah, everyone knows the format will change in the next week or so, thats boring. No, your arguement was always why I thought the Golden Rule was the most important. The evidence is there!
Okay I’ve got NO FRAKKIN IDEA what you are talking about MOlly but if it’s about how your God had his only son tortured and murdered just for the fun of it, then I don’t understand what the point of the alleged rising on the third day is. What was the purpose of that exactly?
Okay, lets put that point in terms you can understand. You have 300000 downloads a month or something? How many catholics are there in the world? Who has the right tactics?
Now what I was refering to was this comment by you:
Molly, as for “love one anotherâ€, I don’t know how you get that from reading the scriptures. That’s like reading Hamlet and saying it’s about Yorick.
And my response in comment:
PS. it really doesn’t matter but you seem to get so wound up by it, its keeps me admused!
Science Fiction is *not* futurism. Science fiction explores different possibilities of our own reality. These differences are not just technological, but also social, physical and different courses of history.
Science Fiction is not about predicting or anticipating the future, it’s about helping us prepare for the future, *any future* and exploring the consequences of actions and situations.
While the Matrix has technology as an obvious sci-fi influence, it also displays differences in social structure, politics, history, physical changes to the world and the ramifications of certain actions.
Asimov said “Modern science fiction is the only form of literature that consistently considers the nature of the changes that face us, the possible consequences, and the possible solutions.”
If that’s not a definition of “futurism”, what is?
Cam – I agree completely with Asimov. Well if you’re referring to it from a futurist point of view, they’re trying to anticipate what is going to change and how, but sci-fi is more about the consequences of various strategies in reaction to situations. It sounds the same, but it’s not always.
The Matrix is a possible future, but it’s not really a particular anticipation, it’s not intended as an accurate prediction.
Futurism is not really a proper word.
ur right , hip hop is great, i am an american and i see am exposed to all the gangsta shit, tho i am a white male i have an apreciation for hip hop. Truly i think australia and new zealand have some of the best hip hop thats come out in a while. i dont like a lot of the stuff that comes out here in the states, cuz it all sounds the same. oh and clerks two rocked. yo get on IM man , want to talk. see ya nik AIM nikthewerelion