Between the 19th and 21st of May 2005, i was lucky enough to be invited as a guest to attend the Blogtalk Downunder conference being held in Sydney, Australia.
Blogtalk Downunder was the first blogging conference to be held in Australia and had some interesting speakers…including….one of the few (if not only) Australian politician’s to write and maintain his own blog, Senator Andrew Bartlett. You might Remember Senator Bartlett as Cameron interviewed him for a G’day World show a few weeks ago.
Well, i didn’t interview the Senator, but i did record his presentation at the conference. The recording quality is average as it was recorded staright onto an iPod with an iTalk, that was sitting on the lecturn directly in front of him. I have one more show where i recorded small 5 minute interviews with a few people that i will be putting up later this week as well.
Enjoy 🙂