I had a rare fatherly moment today and realized that as my sons are growing up in Melbourne I should take them to the footy, just once, so they can realize why they will never want to go again. So I jumped onto Ticketmaster to see how much tickets are. $33 for an adult! $5.30 for a kid! Add train tickets or parking into the equation, and it’s a $60 day out, not including beer and hotdogs (for them, I would never touch the stuff).
I’m not spending $60 taking my kids to something I’d never go to myself. Ridiculous. $60 to watch a bunch of men in tight shorts run around chasing a little leather ball for two hours? I could buy the kids a new DS game for that. They’ll get MUCH more entertainment out of that than two hours.
And they won’t get drunk or have to cuss at an umpire to boot.
No one buys there tickets at Ticketmaster to go to the game. Here is what you do. Go to the MCG today, go to the ticket window and you will pay like 15-20 bucks for your tickets and the kids will get in free (I believe). Big hint at saving money, put a plastic bottle of water into the fridge and take that with you. You will save yourself a fortune. They will get over 3HOURs of entertainment, including this weekend a tribute to the ANZACs. Also, go to your local metacard seller and buy a Sunday saver and that will only cost you 2.20 each (I believe it includes train travel, but can’t be sure as I normally only take the tram). Pies (if your taking them to the Footy, they have to each a pie not a hotdog, this isn’t baseball!!!) cost about $4 (yes a rip off but its the same at every half major event you go to) so thats another $8 bucks.
The added bonus is that you will see the game of the round with the Mighty Hawks vs the Western Bulldogs (probably the team from your area if I calculate correctly).
You could buy them a DS game but does that really expand their mind and give them a chance to at least make up their own mind. I guess there is a huge risk to you that they will be like normal people and actually like it, and then where would you be. If you prove you went to the footy with them, I will send you 15 bucks to pay for your ticket (or part there of).
Molly is right Cameron,
No one buys tickets online for the footy.
Your ticket is $19 and the boys will be free. If you go to the MCG you can get general admission seats on ground level on the Southern stand, get in early enough and they can sit right at the fence.
For a couple of bucks they can have their face painted in team colours too – they’ll love it.
No sweat about this Cam.
I live in Sydney and have never taken my son (and will never take him … nor have been myself) to a game of Rugby League. Of course he has never asked either as he does not care about this sport.
It’s great to expose kids to new stuff. A cheap way is to watch 10 min of a game on TV and see if they are interested…and hope that they are not 🙂
In my case my geeky intellectual son was exposed to surfing and he is very keen so now I need to buy him a board (there goes $150 on eBay…) and take him to the beach every weekend.
You really should take them, it is a good experience. You will also get over the experience with time 🙂
Oh you will love this last night we were at a school cocktail party and I was talking with one of Today Tonight’s cameramen, very interesting. They seem to know they produce tabloid TV and will continue as it sells to the 25-40 yo female market.
Molly, the Sunday Saver ticket is $2.50 for anybody, covers train/tram/bus in any zone, all day Sunday. The only catch being that you can’t buy it from any machine, you have to buy it from a human (staffed station or Metcard agent eg 7-11). Bargain though.
So how come it costs less at the gate? This is a Ticketmaster scam?
Good tip on the Sunday saver as well Daniel. I had no idea about that one. I often take the boys into Degraves for brekky on a Sunday and buy tickets at the local station’s machine, obviously getting well ripped off!
While that is expensive – check out prices to Fenway Park or Gillette Stadium here in the Boston area! UNBELIEVABLE!
You have to remortgage your house just to take a family of 4 to a Red Sox, Patriots, or Revolution game!!
One of two reasons Cam:
1) You where looking at going to a Telstra Dome Game where there may have been only Reserve Seats which are sold a premium
2) There is a ticket booking fee that gets added on when you prebook a ticket. Funny this happens when the AFL really would prefer fans buy there memberships online.
Next Saturday the Hawks play the bombers in one of the biggest grudge matches of the Season. If you want them to see hard tough footy (and maybe a bit of biffo), that is the game to go see.
The biggest problem for you is what happens if they enjoy it? Will you have to disown them?
If you go to the game, let me know, I will bring you some Hawthorn scarfs to borrow so you can really get into the atmosphere!
yeah well I might someone to show me the ropes. how to yell act like a no-neck footy thug, that kind of thing.
What time and where?
Take ’em, Cam. You don’t want them to grow up not liking sheila’s and V8s as well, do you? 😛
Rob! good to hear you’re still alive buddy. 🙂
Oh yes, I’m like Gandalf… I just appear when you least expect it 😉
Normally I get to the ground around 1-1:30pm depending on how organised I get and whether I get on a tram straight away. You have to realize I (and my poor son Patrick) will do nothing to take away from the view you have of Footy fans.
oh yeah Molly, trust me, I realize that. I’m hoping it will be shock therapy for the kids and will convince them once and for all that they aren’t like… you. 🙂
What day and what ground are we going to?
Saturday at the MCG. Don’t worry, Patrick (6 year old) will have your boys cheering before long!
Been to the movies lately? Took myself & 3 kids (back in January) – $78.10 (with popcorn). No wonder the rental market is booming!
yeah i know Meg, it’s ridiculous. And the movie industry wonders why ticket sales are falling year after year.
That’s why i don’t take the kids. I just go during the day by myself when it’s cheap. 🙂
You know what, you should get Jeff and Paul to take you along and you could make a show out of it and claim it on your tax!
Cam, Details (including cost) available here: http://www.hawthornfc.com.au/Default.aspx?tabid=4742&newsId=42315
This BigPond site is where I originally tried to get ticketing prices and ended up at Ticketmaster!
Yeah, don’t buy the ticket there! Just sending you the cost.
Hmm any update on how the big day went…or did The Cam wuss out?
actually they changed their mind! want to go this week to see the Bulldogs!
How was the game? From the score it looks like it was a cracker!