From Time’s site:
Let’s go back 27 years, when Israeli construction workers were gouging out the foundations for a new building in the industrial park in the Talpiyot, a Jerusalem suburb. of Jerusalem. The earth gave way, revealing a 2,000 year old cave with 10 stone caskets. Archaeologists were summoned, and the stone caskets carted away for examination. It took 20 years for experts to decipher the names on the ten tombs. They were: Jesua, son of Joseph, Mary, Mary, Mathew, Jofa and Judah, son of Jesua.
Israel’s prominent archaeologist Professor Amos Kloner didn’t associate the crypt with the New Testament Jesus. His father, after all, was a humble carpenter who couldn’t afford a luxury crypt for his family. And all were common Jewish names.There was also this little inconvenience that a few miles away, in the old city of Jerusalem, Christians for centuries had been worshiping the empty tomb of Christ at the Church of the Holy Sepulcher. Christ’s resurrection, after all, is the main foundation of the faith, proof that a boy born to a carpenter’s wife in a manger is the Son of God.
But film-makers Cameron and Jacobovici claim to have amassed evidence through DNA tests, archaeological evidence and Biblical studies, that the 10 coffins belong to Jesus and his family.
Oh, this should be fun. I’m hoping that, at the moment of maximum tension, James Cameron’s flings back the lid of Jesus’ coffin and a real-life Jesus springs up out of the coffin, fixes the press corps with a menacing stare and then liquid-mercury morphs into a T1000. It’s time for another Cameron-directed Terminator film
I was the machinima film festival at ACMI with Tommy Reynolds yesterday and we interviewed NY-based machinima guru Paul Merino. The video will be up early next week. He was talking about James Cameron’s new machinima film “Avatar” which is due to start filming in April. Amazing he has time to to the pre-production for his most ambitious film ever AND totally dismantle the basis of 2000 years of Christian mythology in his spare time. The man is a god!
hey “Cammy” it’s Tom, or thomas… tommy was a blind, deaf pinball player.
If only I could be him.
oh i thought you had become part of the machine, Feeling all the bumpers Always playing clean.
Hey Cam…I got an email from a Jewish friend of mine about this, and IMMEDIATELY thought to come check and see if you’d posted yet. Shoulda known…*grin*
An interesting note: apparently, a couple of books have already come out about this tomb, and one of them is excerpted at ABC’s site (the whole first chapter, apparently): Excerpt: ‘The Jesus Dynasty’ by James D. Tabor. I’m reading through it now.
Wow Ken, that’s a GREAT site. I felt lie I was reading an Indiana Jones screenplay! In case you didn’t read the footnotes, here’s a recent story about Oded Golan’s “James brother of Jesus” ossuary. They have a photo from the 70s showing the ossuary with the inscription on it, proving it wasn’t a forgery.
The real truth to this story will be shown on Today Tonight this week where it will be revealed that the coffins were chained to the crypt wall to stop rival news programs from taking them away.
Apparently there was a rogue news reporter alive at the time who worked for the well known Jewish network “Set In Stone”. This guy is famous for establishing the modern day creed of all TV and print journos “never never let the truth get in the way of a good story”.
Anyway it will be interesting to see what TT comes up with.
I don´t know why they intend to “supposedley” open everybody’s eyes about christianity. I beleived nobody asked for this, specially christians. You know something, even if they had all the proofs for their plans, I would still beleive in Jesus. I don´t know but something in my heart, deep in it, tells me that beleiving in Jesus is just the right thing to do and when I start doing that and explanation isn´t needed at all.
Faith, believing in something without evidence to support that belief is the definition of insanity. Your comment re-affirms why many of us believe Christians are dangerous.
i think this is so absurd i think this is very untrue but i do believe in god i just don’t believe in this bull of people thinking that those coffins are related to jesus’ family i just don’t. but christians are strong and do believe in their lord and he will work in mysterious ways if he shall i just dont believe this i think it’s so fake thats all.
Well Delina, the ossuaries are definitely not “fake”. Nobody is doubting their legitimacy nor the inscriptions on them. The only question is whether or not they belong to the Jesus, Mary/s and Joseph referred to in the Christian bible.
I think it’s very funny that the Chritians are all scared, now. Science is the true religion. When science proves the existence of God – only then will I believe. Faith is a waste of time and energy. Education will lead you to salvation. Blindly following the masses will lead you nowhere. Wake up, Christians! You are wasting your pathetic lives away…
Wake Up People
Religion is a science unto itself. “Proof” of religion and religious history is what people choose to believe. Be it Christianity, Islam, Hindu or Podcastism science means dick to believers.
If people were guided by science in their day to day lives we would all have 1.3 children, ride push bikes, eat heaps more fruit, not smoke, not drink, and ……… have sex at least twice a day.(which would be a bit hard without the grog given some of the fuglies out there).
Even if an alien video was discovered proving that visitors from a galaxy far far away visited earth thousands of years ago and installed the human race on this planet, it would make no difference at all in peoples religious beliefs.
Religion is a state of mind, science has got nothing to do with it.
FB, religion isn’t a science, but I agree with you that it’s a state of mind, a delusional state of mind. But, as the man said, “The Truth Will Set You Free”. It’s imperative for the survival of the human race that we wipe religion off the face of the earth as soon as possible.
Are you implying that if religion persists the human race will not survive?
Cause if you are, your starting to sound like an extremist.
I for one applaude your comments on free speech. I may not agree with all of them but in essense I do support them.
However, to say that “It’s imperative for the survival of the human race that we wipe religion off the face of the earth as soon as possible.” is pushing things a bit too far.
In fact, that statement reminds me of those poxy TV evangalists who say things like “repent now or burn in hell”.
The concept of free speech also encompasses free thought.
FB, I’m totally serious. Here’s my reasoning:
1. In the past, religious wars have, at most, wiped out tens of millions of people. With the escalation of tension between the right-wing neo-con christian nutbags in the White House (plus their buddies in the UK and AUS), and the Shiite nutbags running Iran/Iraq/Palestine and the Jewish nutbags running Israel, who are all using religion in one way or another to justify their military exercises, we are one the verge of global annihilation. Remove religion and you remove at least one of the justifications for war.
2. On a less dramatic front, every brain that gets taken out of the system by “faith”, we, the human race, are one brain weaker. The threats facing us in the 21st century require all brains on deck. We cannot afford any longer to have 90% of the human brainpower wasting away on the shelf because they are prepared to deny evidence and leave it up to god. We’ve got nutbags, POWERFUL nutbags, like Jerry Falwell telling his followers that global warming is “Satan’s attempt to redirect the church’s primary focus†from evangelism to environmentalism. Every brain that succumbs to this kind of drivel is like pulling another stick of RAM out of your PC. The human race gets weaker.
I agree on both points, BUT !!!!!!
Your talking about utopia mate and it just aint gunna happen.
PS. Spare a thought for our American friends. How the *^#@ are they going to justify a war if they cant play the religion card????
Oh, and how is getting rid of a few more hairy back bomb throwers going to pan out for the worse?
“it just aint gunna happen” is what they said about the end of slavery, segregation and giving women the vote.
Yeah I know.
And we still have all 3, been to India lately? Or maybe your last world tour took you to sunny downtown Tehran.
Wake up and smell the roses Cam.
Well I will work on ridding the western world of religion first, then we’ll talk about the east. 🙂
Ok, but how do we break the news to the Chinese? LOL
The world would be a better place without religion.