Title: EPISODE3 – G’day World Bitch
Description: This is the chance for listeners of the G’Day World podcast (Australia’s #1 podcast, www.gdayworld.com) to ring in and have a bitch. About the host (Cameron Reilly, CEO of The Podcast Network and all-round loudmouth), the show, or just things in general. Show is scheduled for 6am US EDT which is 9pm Aust DST.
Start Time: 03/18/07 06:00 AM EDT
Duration (minutes): 60

Click on the below link for details. Don’t forget – you can call in via phone (it’s a US number), SkypeOut or a SIP-compatible VOIP client, like Gizmo.

<img src="http://www.talkshoe.com/resources/talkshoe/images/tsBadge.gif"