Title: EPISODE3 – G’day World Bitch
Description: This is the chance for listeners of the G’Day World podcast (Australia’s #1 podcast, www.gdayworld.com) to ring in and have a bitch. About the host (Cameron Reilly, CEO of The Podcast Network and all-round loudmouth), the show, or just things in general. Show is scheduled for 6am US EDT which is 9pm Aust DST.
Start Time: 03/18/07 06:00 AM EDT
Duration (minutes): 60
Click on the below link for details. Don’t forget – you can call in via phone (it’s a US number), SkypeOut or a SIP-compatible VOIP client, like Gizmo.
<img src="http://www.talkshoe.com/resources/talkshoe/images/tsBadge.gif"
What happened to this. It was live at 8.50 went downstairs to get some dinner because Colin was complaining, came back upstairs and it had disappeared. So much for saying hi!
Jodie and Tony Goodson joined me okay but a few people IMd me about 9.30 to say they were having trouble either seeing the show listed or getting in. I don’t know why TalkShoe didnt have it listed under LIVESHOWS. Might be a setting I’m missing? Sorry Mim. Was looking forward to talking about the shave!
It was listed as live at 8.50ish just not at 9.20 when I got back to the puter.
It was probably better that I got on with my Machine Dynamics assignment anyway though.
We can always try again next week. Or maybe during the week sometime because the superbikes are on next sunday.