Melbourne Laneways in SL

Originally uploaded by cameronreilly

Tourism Victoria or the City of Melbourne (not sure which) has set up a display on ABC Island in Second Life which replicates (sort of) the look and feel of Melbourne’s laneways. Lots of stencil art, posters, cafes, etc. They even have the triangles from Fed Square floating in space. Not much to do though. And no-one to meet me when I got there at 2pm on a Friday. So while it seem like they have spent a bit of money on the look, the experience, at least when I went there, was pretty dull.

It reminds me of the talk Gary Wiz (aka Wiz Nordberg in SL) made last night at MODM about how corporations tend to fuck it up when they go into SL because they seem to forget that SL is about relationships and experience and not about pretty things to look at.

I’ve got some additional screenshots of the Melbourne presence in SL on my Flickr.