A new chance to win prizes by expressing how much you love Melbourne over on the Visit Melbourne Red Thread site that launched today.
Mission Is Possible
They have five missions to choose from, each one showcasing a particular aspect of Melbourne lifestyle. You have to tell your story with video or photos and a brief review, then add it to The Red Thread forum by 12pm 16/11/07.

Mrs Cameron is one of the creative geniuses behind the site and campaign. Give it your support and win something! I can’t – family not allowed. Bah.

I think this is a great idea though – Tourism Victoria are using UGC to grab real content about Melbourne by people who live here and then put it up on their site. TV get the content for free, the creators get their work displayed on the #1 Melbourne portal, and the audience get to see/read/hear about the best things Melbourne has to offer.

If I was going to enter, I’d be choosing Mission 6 and I’d be devoting myself to the research of discovering the best dirty martini in Melbourne. Anyone want to help with me research?