Due to Molly’s incessant nagging (like I don’t already have a wife), I’ve turned on the Mobatalk comments system! Here’s how you use it.
1. Go to leave a comment in the normal fashion.
2. Click record a comment. Wait for the small flash app to load.
3. Record your message telling me how great I am.
4. Hit attach.
5. SUBMIT the comment in the normal fashion.
Should be some fun!
Listen below
Oh, by the way, you have to type something or it won’t accept the comment.
Cool Cam… Since the Odeo comment system is buggered…
Hi there Cam and many thanks for your great podcasts.
Just to let you know that I’ve played a clip from one of your podcasts in my own podcast. You can visit my website at http://www.podcastnumber1.com
Kind regards
Just testing the audio feature…looks awesome