A couple of new shows have started on TPN in the last week.
This has been one of my personal favourite podcasts since Dave Gray pointed it out to me six months ago, so I’ve excited they have joined the Team TPN. Richard and Shawn discuss quotations which appear on their web site Quotiki.com. For example, in their latest episode they have quotes from Queen Elizabeth II, The Ultimate Warrior of wrestling fame, Laura Ingalls Wilder and her ‘Little House on the Prarie’, and more. Educational and funny.
Speaking of education…
Ben Wilkoff is a teacher in the USA and “Education Transformation” this is a new show examining “Education 2.0” – how teachers, students and parents can use modern tools like blogs, podcasts and the web as a central component of education. In his first episode, has has an interview with Paige Kuni (Intel’s Worldwide Manager for K-12 Education).
Lots more new shows launching on TPN soon as well!
The real issue with the Education Transformation podcast will be getting the right people to listen to it.
I am getting increasingly frustrated at uni with the fact that blogs, podcasts, wikis, digital drop-boxes, forums, lectopia (a system for recording audio and/or video of lectures) and lots more are all supported by the university and offered as tools on blackboard but hardly anyone uses it.
Its a struggle just to get lecturers to put up notes before the lecture and some don’t even get as far as digitising the lecture notes.
I think of this issue like the whole atheist podcast issue. The target for these shows isn’t the people who don’t get it. The target audience is the people who DO get it or who WANT to get it. It’s about MOBILIZING those people. Get enough of them working hard on the problem and you can move mountains.
Have you ever tried to deal with a lecturer who can’t even figure out how to delete his old email?
Still, I’ll be listening, and continuing to nag lecturers to get with the times.