In the comments section to my 2Clix post, someone going by the name of “Stan Doverman” criticized my advice to 2Clix and then, when I asked him to demonstrate his mental acuity and explain where my advice was so misguided, Stan, following in the long tradition of people without anything to contribute, could only flail around and attempt to insult me personally.
Why, Stan Doverman, didn’t you explain where I went so wrong?
Why, Stan Doverman, didn’t you contribute to the conversation, instead of just lapsing into childish insults?
Why, Stan Doverman, weren’t you able to back up your assertions with ideas, advice, suggestions instead of opprobrium?
If you want to participate in the conversation, Stan Doverman, come prepared next time with more than invective. You are always welcome. I don’t mind intelligent criticism. I laugh, however, at mindless abuse. It’s pathetic.
I bet he is right!
In the interest of correct reporting, his comment was:
“And one more thing, those glasses make you look like a bigger try-hard wanker than you sound”
Well I agree about the glasses, but if that the best he can come with to support his arguments then he is the wanker 😛
Somehow I doubt it’s a real name. I mean, c’mon… “standoverman” ?
ROFL, thanks Dan, I didn’t pick up the obvious joke in the name. Which just goes to prove that “Stan” is a gutless and pathetic loser, criticizing (and not even doing much of a job of that) from behind an alias. Weak as piss.
Give me buttons.
I push.
My name is better!!! here is a button, please push
Hi Cameron,
I generally enjoy your posts but I do not see the point of this one?
You should just ignore people like this and not let them get to you like it has.
P.S. I dont like your glasses either 🙁
Anyone who runs around spewing insults at people while hiding behind a pseudonym has a big button with “coward” written on it “Stan”. You must be so proud. Better go now before your mum realizes you haven’t done your homework.
JayJay, he didn’t get to me. I was just ruining his googlerank. 🙂
To jaw-jaw is always better than to war-war…I dunno though: I just loved this verbal ding-dong.
“I was just ruining his googlerank.”
You are just ruining your own. Look at how unprofessional and worked-up you sound in your posts.
“I don’t mind intelligent criticism. I laugh, however, at mindless abuse. It’s pathetic.”
Cameron, If you look at the original thread, you will find that you are the one who first resorts to mindless abuse.
You say you didn’t let my comments ‘get to you’; obviously they did for you to start a whole new thread on the subject.
Suck it up big boy. I’m off to do my homework.
…and don’t forget to pay that fine or it will end up costing you more.
So you managed to ruin the Google page rank of a blindingly obvious pseudonym? You must be so proud…
Stan was spot on from the start though. You were hardly the first person to point out that 2clix were doing nothing but digging themselves in deeper with this whole affair. Your pointless “me too” blog post along with the smarmy assertion that your “expertise” could solve all their problems made you seem more than a little arrogant.
Top that off with an entire blog entry responding to a blatant troll and you look like a damned fool for thinking you have any PR ability whatsoever. You’ve proved you’ve learned nothing from 2clix’s mistakes and given Stan his 15 minutes of internet fame. Welcome to the internet, you must be new here.
Oh and FYI, the sunglasses really do make you look like a tool. =P
“Stan” someone cowardly enough to have to criticize while hiding behind a pseudonym is in no position to tell anyone to suck it up. If you are man enough, come out from underneath your rock and criticize me face to face.
“Newbomb Turk”, fair call, I guess I’m not used to people who comment here being too chickenshit to have to criticize while hiding behind pseudonyms, so I was taking it at face value. I’m not afraid of looking like a fool. I’m just calling ’em as I sees ’em. And doing it under my own name. More than I can say for the likes of you and your mate “Stan”, the cowards of the world. If you feel like you’ve got something to contribute, why not have the guts to do it under your real name? Why are people like you so spineless? It’s sad.
“If you are man enough, come out from underneath your rock and criticize me face to face.”
Na, I think it is much more fun this way.
I can picture you in your home-office, red faced, fuming, head ready to explode.
What on earth makes you think that isn’t my real name?
Hey Camey,
Even If I used my real name, what would that prove? You would still sound like a tool.
You using your real name is my case in point. Everyone knows YOU are a fool while I am just some anonymous poster.
And for the record, I have no idea who Newbomb Turk is.
— ooh, I just heard the lunch bell.
Are you going to have the guts to publish this?
Ha! I just came across this banter and checking back on the previous post I found this claim by Cameron Reilly:
“My experience includes building Australia’s largest new media company, with over 100 blogs/podcasts and a monthly audience of over 500,000 people.â€
You’ve got to be kidding! Firstly, you may have over 100 blogs/podcasts but most of them are amateurish and crap – unlistenable actually. Secondly, how do you define “new media companyâ€? Your revenues are probably tiny. You are so far from being “Australia’s largest new media companyâ€.
Thirdly, I think your audience claim is a lie. Do you have an independent auditor to back that claim?
What a wanker indeed!
“The Man”, another gutless wonder, one who apparently works for according to his IP address. If you pussies want to engage me in debate, start putting your names on your comments.
A few points, if I may.
1. Why cant you debate with someone without their real name? makes no sense to me.
2. I think you are bound by the same Australian privacy principles as everyone else thus divulging personal information from your logs is illegal.
3. You should have taken your own advice Mr Cameron and ignored the trolls from the start.
har har
is stan doverman trying to tell us something by using as their website? lol.
and as for the glasses, people, who cares what they look like. come on.
i havent even heard of you cameron before this 2clix crap but yeh anyway your 2clix post was good.
2clix and stan are the real wankers.
flame away if yer want. by the time i’ve posted this i will have forgotten that this site even exists.
Stan, name’s are essential as comments you make must be interpretted through you reputation. Reputation generally comes from your name. Otherwise i just can’t get the image of you being stereotypical forum flamer out of my head – i.e. the comic book shop guy from The Simpsons.
People that don’t use their real name (even if it is just their first name) are gutless. In refusing to give their name they are refusing to “own” their statements and opinions. Cam wrong or right at least has the conviction to stand by what he believes and does so by putting his name to it. That’s why it means something.
Hugo is spot on.
Newbomb Turk – I assume Cameron affected Stan’s google rank to show that his initial point about 2-clix managing their rankings was valid(Stan had denied he any experience in the area at all).
I guess you decided to take your own advice and STFU.
I won!
I’d like to thank my friends and family, God, my team; with out whose help this would not have been possible. But most importantly, I want to thank you Cameron.. thanks for biting.
I will leave you now, to run your gayworld blog and podcast netowrk.
Adios my friend.
Keep telling yourself that Stan if it gets you through those lonely nights. As I said in the post, I’m always open to intelligent criticism and intellectual debate but I don’t have time to waste with morons or cowards. You have proven yourself to be both. And I’ve got better things to do with my time than respond to churlish insults thrown from someone with the obvious IQ of a speck of dust and even less courage.
@Stan Doverman: Fuck off and shut the door on the way out… and leave the cat alone
Geeeze that guy is a wanker
Four days of time-wasting. Unbelievable.