Bruce Moyle from CoolShite just rang me and told me the news. According to The Age:

Crocodile Hunter, Steve Irwin, has died after being struck by a stingray barb in Queensland, according to reports.

Mr Irwin, 44, apparently died in a marine accident on the Great Barrier Reef, initial reports say.

He was believed to be shooting a documentary off Port Douglas when he was struck.

Mr Irwin’s American-born wife Terri is reported to be trekking on Cradle Mountain in Tasmania and has yet to be told of her husband’s death.

All those people, myself included, who watched him on TV and said "jesus I wish one of those things would bite him properly and teach the stupid frak a lesson" just got their wish, but I feel terrible for his family and friends. Say what you think about the guy, he was a personality and had a passion for what he did. You have to respect that.