As you know, Mick and Cam have been full-time podcasters since January. In that time, they have continued to produce the G’Day World show as well as launch 22 other shows on The Podcast Network. We estimate that TPN now produces in the range of 100 hours of top quality audio programming every month! And you get it all – for free.
There are a lot of podcasters out there. We know that. And some of them are filthy rich (yeah you know who I’m talking about). Most of them at least have a job. We’re the only ones who are working our butts off 24×7 to give you great big slabs of high quality content to enrich your life.
What do you pay for a CD these days? $20 – 30? For a measly hour’s worth of music?
A concert ticket costs $100 for two hours entertainment?
So what do you think 4 hours a month of G’Day World is worth to you? In the words of that television voice-over – how much would you expect to pay?
Well now’s your chance to show us. We’ve instituted another way for you to give us some of your hard-earned cash and keep us off the dole queue for a few more weeks.
The first way, for those of you who haven’t been paying attention, is the TPN Online Store.
The second way, for those of you who don’t want to ruin your karmic points by trading cash for consumerist junk, is a tip jar in the form of a Paypal account. You can tip us anything you like – nothing, $1, $10, $100 – it’s up to you. Just click on the Paypal link below and enter in how much you think our efforts are worth. And the best bit? You can do it as often as you like! Once, or once a day – it’s up to you!
So go crazy and sponsor a podcaster today!
Shouldn’t the button be donate now instead of buy now?
cheaper than buy you dinner.