Today I’ve been testing a FREE product called CamStudio (no, this isn’t a product named after me… would be cool though if it was). Many of you might have heard of a product called Camtasia. Well CamStudio is just like that – only free.
From their website:
CamStudio is able to record all screen and audio activity on your computer and create industry-standard AVI video files and using its built-in SWF Producer can turn those AVIs into lean, mean, bandwidth-friendly Streaming Flash videos (SWFs).
Want to save that cool trailer on Apple’s website to your hard drive but don’t want to fork out for Quicktime Pro? Use this.
Want to save that podcast to your hard drive? Use this.
Want to capture a Skype video call striptease with you girlfriend for… whatever nefarious purposes you have later? Use this.
Want to record yourself demo’ing your software app to upload to your website? Use this.
Want to record what you’re up to in SL when you should be sleeping? Use this.
TechSmith have a free |(at the moment) screen capture tool called Jing
Have you tested it for recording the streaming video and stuff? Sometimes these programs don’t work with it.
Chris – good call. I think Jing is even better. Especially on Vista. Easier to configure. Good find!
Yup I was going to suggest the Jing Project as well, but beaten to the punch.
It also does screen caps and basic editing of those captures. We reviewed it a few shows back on the GGP. You should read our show notes more carefully Cam 🙂
BTW you know that stupid CAPCHA thingy does the big buzzzz wrong code, please click the back button and try again thing… well been there and did that and it SUCKS! You loose your comment, cool. Just wrote it again and if it is wrong this time I’ll puke…. SUBMIT…
Ha! screw you CAPCHA thingy!
Cam, you know theres a capture builtin to the SL viewer. File->Capture movie to disk.
BTW: This validation on your comments is crap. Get it wrong you lose the comment. Already retyping this. You try it twice with your mouth!
Sorry about the captcha issue Dave. Just trying to cut down on the spam. Had over 20,000 spam comments on G’Day World last month alone.
Stupid catchpa thing, forgot my actual comment.
Gotta fix this Cam, get a batter catchpa, data loss is a severity 1 defect!
NP Cam – but having the CAPCHA is fine, but is there any way to configure it so that your comment is not lost?
BTW, that’s a shit load of spam… doesn’t the filter get most of it?