Podshow’s recent 2nd round of $15m financing raises the question again as to what The Podcast Network (TPN) is worth. I have no real metrics to measure TPN v Podshow other than Alexa. I know it isn’t very reliable, but it’s all I have.

So far Podshow have raised $24 million and TPN has been funded 100% out of Banco de Cameroni (that’s me, in case you are wondering).

Here’s the Alexa graph for TPN (in blue) vs Podshow (in red) for the last three months.

That puts Podshow, on average, about 2.0 – 3.0 times our reach? So, let’s say Calacanis is right and "To raise this money they must have had a $35-60M pre-money valuation.". Does that mean TPN is valued at a third of that? Let’s say at the low end it’s $10m?

John Furrier and Robert Scoble at Podtech.net have been doing great over the last few months as well. The Podshow investment (or was it the Podcast Expo?) spiked them big time last week. Here’s the graph comparing TPN to Podtech:

Last March John raised $5.5m which would place Podtech’s pre-money valuation back then at about $7 – 12m. TPN was tracking neck and neck with Alexa until last week’s spike. Again, on the low end (and we’ll wait to see when they announce their series B), that puts TPN at about $7m.

Where’s Ben Barren when I need him? He’s the guru at this kind of stuff. Ben, set me straight before I go buy a C-21 on spec.