I’m exhausted. Damn it’s been busy. I’ll spare you the gory details, but I’m working on a bunch of projects at the moment, from capital raising for TPN, through to some podcast consulting projects, software consulting stuff, and other stuff I just can’t talk about. Fair to say I’ve got more plates spinning than I really should have – but at least life isn’t boring.
Here’s a link to the story on hosting providers in case you missed Tuesdays’ Age/SMH.
I know G’Day World’s been a bit quiet lately, but that’s because my days are so full. I’ve got a couple of shows scheduled over the next few days, a couple of interviews with authors that I hope you’ll enjoy.
Meanwhile, Ewan’s Edinburgh Fringe podcast is going insane. It’s on the front page of iTunes in the UK and is getting lots of promotion from The Stage (our sponsors) as well as the official Edinburgh Fringe website. If you haven’t checked out any of the shows yet, I highly recommend you head on over there.
If you’ve sent me email over the last couple of weeks and I haven’t answered it yet, please don’t be alarmed. I’ll get to ya. Just struggling to get to everything at the moment.