Oh yeah… I’ve waited a long, long time for this.
My 1Gb micro-SD card for my new Dopod Pocket PC arrived yesterday. And as of tonight I am running Wikipedia on it. Okay, it’s a slightly cut down version of Wikipedia, and it’s not online (which I can do using 3G or wifi if convenient, but let’s face it, offline is ALWAYS more convenient for a mobile device at this stage), but it’s pretty damn impressive.
Get it here.
Wikipedia has got to be one of the best online services that is on offer, I think the future is bright for them especially with nearly one million in donations so far… The other thing as far as I am concerned with 3G and similar services here in Australia is the damn cost! So I agree off-line is best, cool Application though…
The other thing is that you should have a listen to this weeks Global Geek Podcast. We cover a new app called GmobileSync which enable you to sync Google calendar with a Windows Pocket PC. It is brand new so if you give it a crack let us know how it goes, be great to report back to our listeners. I was thinking hard who it was that was wanting to do that and this post reminded me.
I think I talked about GMobileSync on a show last week. Haven’t tested it yet. Did you guys test it? I’ve got my GCal synching nicely with the Pocket PC now and dont want to frak it up.
BTW, anyone else notice that the latest season of SCRUBS uses “frak”???
Yeah strangely enough I just noticed you talked about it a week or so ago. Stupid me…
Don’t watch scrubs dude, but they have probably been listening to Knightwise he says it all the time… Me I think just plain fuck is fine. I mean we are talking intent here. Why the fuck say frak when you mean to say fuck and you want ppl to know that is what you mean but don’t want to say fuck. Seems fucking stupid to me.
I am assuming that this is the context of the use of the term frak, otherwise don’t listen to me… 🙂
The term was used on the original ’78 BSG series as well, when “bad language” was very much a no-no on American TV. So Ron Moore has carried it over into the current series as part of the BSG universe I guess.