If you’re like me, you read a lot of books on your iPad and make lots of notes. Wouldn’t it be great to have a way to use Evernote to review those notes on a regular basis?
Here’s the method I’ve been using for grabbing Kindle notes. If you tend to read in iBooks, check out the Digested app.
1. Go to your Kindle Highlights page.
2. Click on the book you want to review in Evernote.
3. Then click the “You Have XX Highlighted passages” link.
4. Click the Evernote Web Clipper in your browser. That will being up the clip menu. I save all of my book highlights to a Notebook. You can also use tags if you prefer to organise your notes that way.
You will end up with all of your notes available to quickly review in Evernote. If you’ve got a lot of books in Kindle, this might take a while. But if you then continue to do this after you finish a new book, it only takes a minute.
Amaze your friends at parties with your ability to quickly pull up pertinent points for a debate!
Great article! Early this year I developed an iOS app that can help with this with only a few clicks. Check it out http://www.snippefy.com 🙂
Hey Nathan, your app looks great. Unfortunately I can’t seem to find it in the Australian App Store?
Here’s another option! I found it in the Chrome Extensions – it is Kindle to Evernote. Works pretty well, and the formatting in Evernote is nicely managed.