Out of all of the great information in Dave’s recent “State of Technorati” report, I found the last paragraph to be the most impactful:

As always, our credo remains to “Be of Service” – my hope is that we’re delivering on that promise better today than ever, and that this time next year it will be still more true than ever before.

“Be Of Service”. How well does that fit into the Bucky Fuller theme we’ve been discussing of benefiting the human race? This lies at the very core of what I see as the difference between what Peter Ellyard calls “Future Makers” and “Future Takers”. The makers are creating value and being of service. The takers are making money for themselves regardless of the impact on the human race. As an entrepreneur, I really want to combine being a future maker with profit. I don’t think this should be any harder than making money by being a taker – it’s all a matter of where you focus.

Here’s my challenge to each of you today – is what you are doing on a daily basis creating value for the benefit of the human race? Or are you just pillaging someone else’s value creation?