When I was up at the PANPA (PAcific Area Newspaper Publisher’s Association) Conference at the Gold Coast on Monday I had a coffee with Mark Jones, IT Editor of The Australian Financial Review and Hugh Martin, Editor of News.com.au. We discussed the future of newspapers. There was some workmen making a bunch of noise next to us, which explains some of the audio interference.
Great video with a lot to think about. But you stole my idea with all that atmospheric noise – “Conversatiions in a Wind Tunnel”
Geez Cam – You didn’t like Mark’s comments about the need for Attention Management tools to create content experiences for ‘Audiences of One’.
Of course I agreed with him dude! I was just being a smartass because i needed to wrap up the show. 🙂
Sorry it happened to be on his inadvertent plug for your product.
I have to say that in the event of this episode of your video podcast being several months old, the message is spot on.
Not to mention that I just found your podcast network today through Scoble’s book “Naked Conversations”.
It is extremely interesting to me that in my recent post (which was written day before yesterday) I mention some of the same things in regard to the change in media in general. This is due as you and other podcasters well know that the “delivery mechanism” has in fact changed but the big boys just don’t want to let the cat out of the bag as of yet. This new “Internet Age” is really responsible for those of us who have something to say to say it and be heard…
I would be curious to hear your feedback as to my post at http://nogglevideoproductions.blogspot.com
Thanks for the food for thought,