Media Is Politics

I’ve been saying it for 20 years. If you want political influence in a democracy, you need to control the media. That’s why I started TPN. That’s why Murdoch is king. Don’t blame the voters. They get their opinions from the media. Don’t blame the politicians. They were chosen by the media to do a particular job. It’s the media. If we want change, we need to control the media. We need to invest in independent media. Not the ABC. Truly independent media. That’s why you don’t want advertising to find your podcasts. That’s why you don’t want VC firms to invest in New Media. That’s why you don’t want Facebook to be the new publishing platform. Those things just subvert the opportunity to wrest control of the future from the rich white psychopaths.

What can you do? You can make the media. Make podcasts. Write blog posts. Write books. Make documentaries. Make comics.


The most insidious forms of oppression

“The very efficacy of opinion manipulation rests on the fact that we do not know we are being manipulated. The most insidious forms of oppression are those that so insinuate themselves into our communication universe and the recesses of our minds that we do not even realize they are acting upon us. The most powerful ideologies are not those that prevail against all challengers but those that are never challenged because in their ubiquity they appear as nothing more than the unadorned truth.”

‘Contrary Notions’ by Michael Parenti

The Washington Post’s Coverage of Amazon

I was wondering if anyone has done an academic analysis of how The Washington Post has covered Amazon / Jess Bezos since he acquired it. Is it biased?

My quick experiment was interesting.

On August 28, 2018, we did a simple experiment. In Google News, we searched for “Amazon UK tax”.  The result was a number of stories about the small amount of tax the company pays in the UK.


The same search in the Post brings up… nothing.


Update: Thanks to Paul Wiggins on Facebook for pointing out the major flaw in my little experiment – the coverage from Google News is from UK-based sources. When I search the NYTimes, I didn’t see any mention of the story either.

In addition, Jack Shafer from Politico states “I assess Washington Post coverage of Amazon as pretty even-handed. So does Fortune.”